Have you been scammed by a broker or investment firm?

Have you invested money with an investment company or broker, and feel you have been taken advantage of? Recover your funds now. Contact Us.

Contact us

Recover your invested capital and your peace of mind!

MyMoneyBack: We will help you!
Recovery specialists

If you have been a victim of fraud, you should know that there is still hope. Get a chargeback with the best specialists in the industry and get your money back.

A professional team

When it comes to chargebacks, you need to know that this is a dispute between you and your bank or credit card issuer. If you make an unfounded chargeback you will not be able to get your money back and you will lose your opportunity

Why not leave it in the hands of experts? We have a team with more than 15 years of experience; with banking experts and lawyers who specialize in financial fraud, and we know exactly how the chargeback process works. We assist you every step of the way and help you get your money back.


Fraud on the rise

We receive hundreds of messages every week; we perfectly understand the workings of those companies that are dedicated to steal or swindle their customers. Every day there are more and more people affected by these scammers – don’t lose your money! There is still a chance for you to get back what is yours in the first place.

The chargeback process can become very tedious and time consuming, it can also be rejected so you will lose the chance to get your money back. We know the process inside out and we know how to improve your chances of a successful chargeback, so we can help you get what’s yours!

You're not alone! We want to help you

Unfortunately, thousands of people are defrauded every day. You are not the only one who has been defrauded. According to various studies, fraud by fraudulent brokers or investment companies are becoming more frequent every day.

With our professional team we will study your case in depth, we will analyze it and we will devise a strategy to get the chargeback as fast as possible. We help hundreds of people to recover their capital every week; don’t leave it in the hands of inexperienced people!


Did you know that chargebacks have a time limit to apply for them?

Don't waste time

Chargebacks have a time limit to be done, if you let too much time pass, you will definitely lose your money.

Are you a victim of fraud?
Contact us, we will advise you for free

Let's get to the point

Our process is transparent and
we explain it to you from the first
moment you contact us.

Time limit

You must act quickly!
Chargebacks have a time
limit to be completed.

Brokers and scam companies

The company that defrauded you will try to
stop you from getting your money back, but
don't worry: we have a team of professionals
on our side.

Investment frauds

These are the most common type of
fraud and the one in which we are
experts. If you are a victim of a
financial fraud, get in touch, you can
still get your money back.

Contact us

Recover your invested capital and your peace of mind!

Why work with us?

We put at your disposal a team of professionals in the sector with years of experience in fraud and chargebacks.

Successful cases

We have successfully recovered money
from all types of financial frauds, it is
our specialty. If you are a victim, contact

Financial help

We specialize in card payments,
wire transfers and cryptocurrency
money transfers.

A fast process

Our process is fast, fully transparent and
seamless. No hidden fees or extra payments.
Our goal is to make your chargeback successful
and as fast as possible.

Our team

We have a team of experts in banking,
chargebacks and fraudulent investment
companies. We have years of experience
in the sector.